Picture Galleries
All picture galleries published on this internet site are directly accessible via this section. These photos relate to the foundation's educational projects or constitute resources which are attached to or independent of the teaching tools such as CD-ROMS, teaching dossiers, exhibitions and others.
COP22 Climate Change Conference
A flavour of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of Parties COP22 in Marrakeshin Marrakesh, November 2016
UK Antarctic Science Conference demonstrates sustainability
UK Antarctic Science Conference workshops using Class Zero Emission experiments on polar regions and climate change. Sustainable transport - cycling to the workshop.
International Polar Foundation’s participation in COP21 climate change activities
In 2015, the International Polar Foundation participated in various events in Brussels and Paris within the framework of the United Nations climate negotiations (COP21). Have a look at these pictures to see what we got up to.
Flat Stanley’s Antarctic expedition
In this picture gallery, discover Flat Stanley's expedition to Antarctica in the framework of a school project. Flat Stanley is the main character of a children's book. Learn more about the project in our news article.
100 years of change: sea ice, Shackleton and science event in Birmingham, UK
The International Polar Foundation and scientists from the UK Polar Network ran workshops for science centre staff and volunteers, schools, brownies and guides and the general public over a four-day period at Birmingham Thinktank Science Centre. The theme of the…