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  • Successful Sea Ice, Shackleton and Science Sessions


    The International Polar Foundation UK and UK Polar Network ran the first of a series of three public engagement events on polar science and climate change at the weekend.

  • Sea Ice, Shackleton and Science


    The International Polar Foundation UK, together with polar scientists from the UK Polar Network, will bring an interactive science learning experience to the public and schools over the weekend 27-29th September 2014 at Dundee Science Centre in Scotland. Shackleton, Sea Ice and Science: A Century of Science in Antarctica is the first of three 3-day polar science outreach events which will take place around the UK during 2014/15.

  • Cool science for kids at UK Class Zero Emission workshop


    Students as young as 3 years old have been learning about the Polar Regions and climate change at the mobile Class Zero Emission workshop, which has been touring the UK since January. The workshop has allowed youngsters to get their hands on different parts of the Arctic and Antarctic using 3D puzzles to try and piece together these remote regions, and learn about the habitats and the ice. They also…

  • Class Zero Emission: free workshops on climate change


    The International Polar Foundation is currently holding interactive climate change workshops at our educational space 'Class Zero Emission' in Brussels. Reservations are now open for French and Dutch speaking Belgian classes, between the ages of 10 and 18, and to students studying to be teachers.

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COP22 – time to act on climate change!

COP22 – time to act on climate change!

The International Polar Foundation (IPF) participated in the recent United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of Parties…

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