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Here are all news related to 100 years of change: sea ice, Shackleton and science event in Birmingham, UK
PhD polar scientists inspire the next generation at centenary event
To celebrate the centenary of Sir Ernest Shackleton’s 1914-16 Antarctic expedition, the International Polar Foundation and UK Polar Network joined forces to run a series of workshops about polar science and environmental changes over the past 100 years at Birmingham Thinktank.
Successful Sea Ice, Shackleton and Science Sessions
The International Polar Foundation UK and UK Polar Network ran the first of a series of three public engagement events on polar science and climate change at the weekend.
Sea Ice, Shackleton and Science
The International Polar Foundation UK, together with polar scientists from the UK Polar Network, will bring an interactive science learning experience to the public and schools over the weekend 27-29th September 2014 at Dundee Science Centre in Scotland. Shackleton, Sea Ice and Science: A Century of Science in Antarctica is the first of three 3-day polar science outreach events which will take place around the UK during 2014/15.