The ClimaTIC project is looking for french-speaking classes
In the Framework of the ClimaTIC project, the IPF is looking for French speaking classes from various countries willing to participate in the local inquiries on wood usage and forests, to take place from January to March 2007. Students from 8 to 14 years old will be asked to examine the various uses of wook in their schools and home. They will then have to find out from where this resource has originated.
When data has been collected, students will be able to compare their results between classes and countries using online tools.
These inquiries will hopefully lead to a better comprehension of the worldwide wood distribution network. They will also reveal the strong links between our consumer behaviours and wood exploitation is distant countries. We hope that this experience will help students to adopt a global, as well as a local perspective on this issue.
If you are interested, please contact Agathe Weber
Agathe Weber
Scientific Officer
E-mail: agathe (dot) weber (at) polarfoundation (dot) org