The class@poles contest
Interested in the Poles and pole research? Eager to know more about it? The Class@Poles contest offers you the opportunity to dive into the polar world, together with your class. If you are Belgian and in the second level of secondary education, have a look at our brochure for further information and subscribe using the available form.
You are invited to:
- formulate a question dealing with a topic from a wide spectrum of polar research;
- design a project and expedition(s) to seek the answer.
Send your project before February 3rd 2006 to the Class@Poles-team to win the first prize: a real polar expedition to Northern Norway!
Class@Poles is an initiative in cooperation with the Ghent University, Renard Centre of Marine Geology (RCMG), Be-Poles, BELSPO and the International Polar Foundation (IPF).