The Arctic Arc expedition: They have done it!

the Arctic Arc: they have done it!

the Arctic Arc: they have done it!

© International Polar Foundation

Alain Hubert and Dixie Dansercoer have finally reached the northern coast of Greenland this morning. It was 11 45 AM (GMT+2) when the two Belgian explorers arrived at the northern coast of Greenland.

They left on the 1st of March 2007 from Cape Arktichewski in Siberia, reached the North Pole on Wednesday the 25th of April, and have pitched their tent at the foot of the mountains of Greenland today, Thursday the 14th of June.

The adventure lasted 106 days and the distance covered was 1 650 km. This figure will undoubtedly be adjusted upwards once Alain is back home and can give a more precise estimate of the supplementary kilometres covered with the innumerable detours they had to take throughout their journey.

Alain Hubert and Dixie Dansercoer have just accomplished a major first in the history of the world. The journey across the Arctic from Siberia to Greenland via the North Pole had never been done until now. The conditions under which this adventure was undertaken - never able to rest and braving the obvious harsh conditions in the Arctic - makes this athletic feat all the more extraordinary and places it amongst the most prominent achievements inthe history of the poles.

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