Polar workshop for Italian teachers
Sandra Vanhove, head of the education department at the International Polar Foundation, was invited to lecture about the IPF educational website educapoles and IPF educational projects and she also led a workshop demonstrating the polar experiments. With the experimental booklet of Class Zero Emission as guideline, the teachers learned about the interdisciplinary character of polar science and how to integrate them in a holistic climate change approach.
Participants of the two previous summer schools were helping to run the workshop and presenting new ideas which they had developed, including school labs and activities. Two language teachers translated into English, which led to an improved and animated interaction throughout the entire workshop.
The Polar Summer School for teachers is organised by Museo Nazionale dell' Antartide in collaboration with Ministero dell'Istruzione Direzione generale per gli ordinamenti scolastici e per l'autonomia scolistica and Muse (Museum of Sciences Trento) conducted within the framework of the International Polar Year 2007-08 (IPY).