Arctic-Arc - Continued during school year 2007-2008!

Arctic Arc: fragmented sea ice

Arctic Arc: fragmented sea ice

© International Polar Foundation

Alain Hubert and Dixie Dansercoer have pulled off their incredible expedition: the adventure may be over, but the educational project goes on! Indeed, the two men have brought back numerous memories but also photos and videos from their adventure. During the scholar year 2007-2008, the Arctic Arc educational project will be pursued, by offering classes the opportunity to explore various themes and to discover new educational material.

They made it: Alain and Dixie crossed the Arctic Ocean from one end to the other after 106 days of skiing and walking through frozen landscapes! But this feat also aimed to raise public awareness on climate change, something else which the team managed to successfully pull through. Indeed, we were able to see how dramatic the effects of climate change were in the Arctic, through the numerous difficulties that the two men encountered due to early melting of the sea ice and to the succession of unusual meteorological events. Their descriptions and photos have shown us that the Arctic sea ice is melting very fast!

To allow classes to work with the impressive images that our explorers have brought back, the Arctic Arc educational project will not end with the expedition: it will continue throughout the 2007-2008 school year! Numerous fascinating themes will be suggested during the year again, supported by educational files and animations, new photos and videos brought back directly from the Arctic region, and interviews of Alain Hubert regarding various themes.

You can already watch online the previews of two videos showing how difficult it is to hawl a sledge through a compression ridge, as well as the strength with which the wind can sometimes blow in the Arctic!

During the summer, you can continue to map shows that the ice drift goes on, tirelessly!

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