News of EducaPoles

This section presents the latest news on the International Polar Foundation's educational activities and projects. It also contains general interest news on the polar regions, climate change and sustainable development for the educational world. Our RSS feeds will inform you when news are published on this website.

  • The Young “Reporters of the Poles” Receive their Prizes!


    The "Reporters des Pôles" contest was launched by the IPF within the scope of the Arctic Arc expedition. Youngsters were to produce a document that would help raise public awareness on an environmental issue valuable to the IPF. The quality of the documents recieved was such that the IPF decided to award a prize to each participating class!

  • Results of the Reporters of the Poles Contest


    Launched within the framework of the Arctic Arc project, an Arctic crossing carried out by Alain Hubert and Dixie Dansercoer, the "Reporters of the Poles" contest called upon participants to produce a document (written article, poster, film, photos or audio report) that would help raise the awareness of those around them on one of the environmental themes dear to the IPF. The jury settled on the video report of a…

  • “The Arctic Arc” educational project continues !


    From March to July 2007, Alain Hubert and DixieDansercoer successfully crossed the Arctic Ocean, by skis and on foot, via theNorth Pole. In addition to the physical feat this expedition represented, theArctic Arc allowed to observe the important impacts of climate change aroundthe North Pole. The expedition is now over, but the educational project carrieson for a second year!

  • “Blue Sailers”, a Book by Begga Dom


    The Belgian Editor Clavis has just published a book in Dutch entitled "Blauwe Matrozen", "Blue Sailors" in English. Sandra Vanhove, from the IPF, collaborated on the project and wrote an afterword for the book.

  • Two new tales available for download


    Myriam, Marie and Muriel Dielemans, in collaboration with the International Polar Foundation, have just published two new tales for 5 to 8 year old kids. Both these tales talk about polar regions and Climate Change and explain related issues to pupils.

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COP22 – time to act on climate change!

COP22 – time to act on climate change!

The International Polar Foundation (IPF) participated in the recent United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of Parties…

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