Related Flash Animations

Here are all flash animations related to Collaboration with “U4 energy”, a European competition on energy efficiency

  • The passive house

    The passive house


    This flash animation is part of the Energy CD-ROM and introduces the passive housing concept. It compares the energy consumption of a classical house to that of a passive house. It presents a list of interesting investments to make in…

  • The Princess Elisabeth Station

    The Princess Elisabeth Station


    This flash animation is part of the Energy CD-ROM and has the goal to present the Princess Elizabeth station. As first "Zero emission" station, it constitutes a nice example of the application of passive housing principles, adapted to the polar…

  • Rational use of energy

    Rational use of energy


    This flash animation is part of the Energy CD-ROM. It aims to make people aware of the need to reduce energy consumption given the price, the limit of the resources we depend on, and the pollution caused. Two concrete cases…

  • Who uses which energy ?

    Who uses which energy ?


    This flash animation is part of the Energy CD-Rom. It treats of the different energy sources that are used in Wallonia and the different sectors that use these energy sources. It is a sort of inventory that aims to answer…

  • Where does the energy we consume come from ?

    Where does the energy we consume come from ?


    This flash animation is part of the Energy CD-ROM. It highlights the strong dependency of Wallonia (Belgium) on energy and elaborates by presenting the different countries that provide Wallonia with energy.

  • Biofuels, a “green” alternative to oil?

    Biofuels, a “green” alternative to oil?


    This flash animation is part of the CD-Rom on Energy. It addresses the issues revolving around biofuels in a critical way. Although biofuels represent an alternative to petroleum, this flash animation specifies that they are, for the time being, not…

  • Tracking electricity

    Tracking electricity


    Tracking electricity is part of the CD-Rom on Energy. This flash animation explains how electricity results from the transformation of a primary source of energy, and introduces the main features of this form of energy. Amongst other things, this flash…

  • Current and future energy sources

    Current and future energy sources


    Current and future energy sources is part of the CD-Rom on Energy. This flash animation opens up on an inventory of the various sources of energy which have been used throughout history. It focuses on the less widely used sources…

  • How much does energy cost?

    How much does energy cost?


    How much does energy cost? is part of the CD-Rom on Energy. It introduces the various factors that influence the price of energy, following the law of supply and demand. Other units which can be used to describe energy consumption…

  • Where does energy come from ?

    Where does energy come from ?


    Where does energy come from? is the first flash animation of the CD-Rom on Energy. It offers an introduction to the three energy groups (fossil energies, nuclear energy and renewable energies) and presents the various sources of energy which belong…

  • Resources and reserves : how much energy is left underground ?

    Resources and reserves : how much energy is left underground ?


    This flash animation is part of the CD-ROM on Energy; it offers an introduction to the notions of resources and reserves. It also gives an account on fossil and nuclear energy reserves and explains what is at stake with the…

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COP22 – time to act on climate change!

The International Polar Foundation (IPF) participated in the recent United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of Parties…

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