Multimedia animations
In this section you will find several animations designed and produced by the International Polar Foundation on different topics linked to the polar regions, the way our planet's climate functions, climate change, biodiversity and energy.
Most of these animations are available as CD-ROMS in various languages. Please contact us for more information.
The Earth’s climate through history
A general presentation of the Earth's climate throughout the ages. Maps showing the advance of the ice caps and glaciers in Europe as a function of the different glaciation periods.
The greenhouse effect
A simple explanation of the principle of the greenhouse effect and the source of greenhouse gases.
Climate complexity
An animation carefully designed to explain as simply as possibly the complexity of our planet's climate.
Climate modelling
Climate modelling explained by analogy with the problem of an overflowing bath.
The human impact
A rapid (and non-exhaustive) status report on the impact of climate warming on the Earth's system.
How should we react ?
Presentation of the sources of greenhouse gas emissions, by sector and by countries, followed by a range of proposed solutions to reduce the emissions.