Multimedia animations
In this section you will find several animations designed and produced by the International Polar Foundation on different topics linked to the polar regions, the way our planet's climate functions, climate change, biodiversity and energy.
Most of these animations are available as CD-ROMS in various languages. Please contact us for more information.
The Princess Elisabeth Station
This flash animation is part of the Energy CD-ROM and has the goal to present the Princess Elizabeth station. As first "Zero emission" station, it constitutes a nice example of the application of passive housing principles, adapted to the polar…
Collective and individual efforts
This flash animation is part of the Energy CD-ROM and makes up an inventory of the sectors which consume the most energy in Europe. It also introduces some hints for these sectors to reduce their consumption, on an individual level…
The ecological footprint, a measure that induces to better consumption !
This flash animation is part of the Energy CD-ROM. It presents the ecological footprint concept and compares the ecological footprint of different countries. It then focuses on the Belgian ecological footprint. The flash animation closes on a list of examples…
Tracking electricity
Tracking electricity is part of the CD-Rom on Energy. This flash animation explains how electricity results from the transformation of a primary source of energy, and introduces the main features of this form of energy. Amongst other things, this flash…
Current and future energy sources
Current and future energy sources is part of the CD-Rom on Energy. This flash animation opens up on an inventory of the various sources of energy which have been used throughout history. It focuses on the less widely used sources…
Where does energy come from ?
Where does energy come from? is the first flash animation of the CD-Rom on Energy. It offers an introduction to the three energy groups (fossil energies, nuclear energy and renewable energies) and presents the various sources of energy which belong…
Biodiversity - test your knowledge
Test your knowledge on biodiversity and climate change with this quiz that goes over the 14 flash animations.
Biodiversity: Things we can do on a Daily Basis
The current climate crisis is threatening biodiversity, but it is also confronting us with an opportunity to take a fresh look at our current way of living. How? By reducing our footprint on the environment. To enable us to do…
Preserving biodiversity: adjustment strategies
Climate change has become such a threat for many species that human intervention has become necessary to prevent them from becoming extinct. With this in mind, adjustment strategies are currently being established in order to assist some species in dealing…
Biodiversity in the North Sea
Having already been weakened by overfishing, the North Sea's biodiversity now has to face up to yet another peril: climate warming.The temperature increase associated with climate warming is causing modifications in the plankton's composition and encouraging the establishment of exotic…