Multimedia animations
In this section you will find several animations designed and produced by the International Polar Foundation on different topics linked to the polar regions, the way our planet's climate functions, climate change, biodiversity and energy.
Most of these animations are available as CD-ROMS in various languages. Please contact us for more information.
Tracking electricity
Tracking electricity is part of the CD-Rom on Energy. This flash animation explains how electricity results from the transformation of a primary source of energy, and introduces the main features of this form of energy. Amongst other things, this flash…
Current and future energy sources
Current and future energy sources is part of the CD-Rom on Energy. This flash animation opens up on an inventory of the various sources of energy which have been used throughout history. It focuses on the less widely used sources…
How much does energy cost?
How much does energy cost? is part of the CD-Rom on Energy. It introduces the various factors that influence the price of energy, following the law of supply and demand. Other units which can be used to describe energy consumption…
Where does energy come from ?
Where does energy come from? is the first flash animation of the CD-Rom on Energy. It offers an introduction to the three energy groups (fossil energies, nuclear energy and renewable energies) and presents the various sources of energy which belong…
Resources and reserves : how much energy is left underground ?
This flash animation is part of the CD-ROM on Energy; it offers an introduction to the notions of resources and reserves. It also gives an account on fossil and nuclear energy reserves and explains what is at stake with the…
Various scenarios: choosing our future
It is only recently that we have come to realise that consuming energy willy-nilly can cause problems. Even today, a part of society continues not to take this into account. However, we are going to have to change this attitude…
Improving where we live: intelligent comfort
Some building materials require less energy than others to make, transport and install. This is a factor that is rarely taken into account at the moment when it comes to choosing the building materials we use. We can also design…
Changing our habits: little things that can achieve a lot
It is possible to save a large amount of energy while still maintaining the same standard of living and comfort. All we have to do is save the energy that we use without it really being of any value for…
Polluting waste: very embarrassing leftovers
Some methods of producing or using energy create waste matter that is toxic andcan no longer be used. This is 'polluting waste'. Some of this waste can be recycled if people take the trouble to sort it (e.g. rechargeable and…
Emissions linked to the combustion of fossil fuels: climate change
The natural greenhouse effect is what makes life on Earth possible: without it, the average temperature would be about 30 °C lower! Most greenhouse gases occur naturally in the atmosphere. But a whole series of human activities has caused a…