Multimedia animations
In this section you will find several animations designed and produced by the International Polar Foundation on different topics linked to the polar regions, the way our planet's climate functions, climate change, biodiversity and energy.
Most of these animations are available as CD-ROMS in various languages. Please contact us for more information.
Biodiversity: Invasive Species
This flash animation explains the interaction between climate warming and the invasion of new species. The first section explains how, by creating new climate conditions, climate change can provide a means for insect invasion into previously unaffected areas and help…
The benefits of biodiversity
The flash animation "The benefits of biodiversity" is part of the CD ROM "Biodiversity & Climate change".The aim of this flash animation is to illustrate the vital role assumed by biodiversity in maintaining an ecological balance, both for the planet…
The biodiversity: relocation of species
This animation shows that over the course of the Earth's climate's history, species have often had to move in order to benefit from the types of living conditions that suited them. It also demonstrates how, for various reasons, it is…
The biodiversity: climate change
This animation deals with the topics of biodiversity and climate change. It lays out the main effects of climate change, i.e. the strengthening of the natural greenhouse effect phenomenon that has been caused by our way of life, and the…
The biodiversity: introduction
This animation focuses on the concept of "biodiversity" and its importance for human beings. It also draws attention to the various pressures that people place on the natural environment through pollution, growing urbanisation, the destruction of animal habitats, excessive use…