Links & resources about science education
The websites below can quickly help build a wide panel of resources covering the scope of climate change, biodiversity, energy, Polar Regions, environment and sciences in general.
Contes pédagogiques
Stories, activities and games about climate change and Polar Regions, for young people between five and twelve years old.
I-CLEEN: Inquiring on CLimate and ENergy
I-CLEEN is a free tool for teachers which supports active and inquiry-based learning experiences on Earth System Science topics. I-CLEEN is a project of MUSE Museum of Sciences, Trento Italy (ENG+IT)
ManagEnergy - European Commission
Links to resources about energy for teachers and kids (6-16 years old).
The other CO2 problem
A animation about the issue of ocean acidification, produced by Ridgeway School (Plymouth, UK) and Plymouth Marine Laboratory. In short: Poseidon is consulted by an octopus scientist to discuss about the current major concern in the ocean. Human beings are asked to stop the CO2 emissions. Secondary school level.
your own electric motor
It has a lot of good information regarding making this simple motor which teaches the kids about electricity!