Links & resources about science education
The websites below can quickly help build a wide panel of resources covering the scope of climate change, biodiversity, energy, Polar Regions, environment and sciences in general.
CAFF educational resources
CAFF has produced a series of educational resources to help children and their educators explore and understand Arctic ecosystems and processes. These educational resources consist of a pocket guide for children (aged 8-12) and an accompanying leader's manual for teachers, parents, siblings, and other instructors. Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF) is the biodiversity working group of the Arctic Council.
Contes pédagogiques
Stories, activities and games about climate change and Polar Regions, for young people between five and twelve years old.
European Environment Agency
Website containing publications, multimedia and datasets (maps, charts, applications) about Europe's environment (air pollution, biodiversity, climate change, land use, water).
OpenLearn: BBC Frozen Planet
Open University resources (interactive maps and online course) for the BBC One Frozen Planet series.
Red list - IUCN
The IUCN is the organisation which publishes the list of endangered species. Discover their database, with an enormous amount of information on all kind of animal species.
Website containing a maps & graphics library, a picture library and publications related to a wide range of environmental issues. These link is a link to posters explaining the Polar Regions.