News of EducaPoles
This section presents the latest news on the International Polar Foundation's educational activities and projects. It also contains general interest news on the polar regions, climate change and sustainable development for the educational world. Our RSS feeds will inform you when news are published on this website.
COP22 – time to act on climate change!
The International Polar Foundation (IPF) participated in the recent United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of Parties (COP22) in Marrakesh, Morocco in Africa, starting just a few days after the Paris Agreement came into force in early November. The Paris Agreement was agreed at COP21 in Paris last December and aims to help countries work together to limit climate change and deal with its impacts. There were people…
Geography education: sharing great enthusiasm to help students discover the world
Today, thanks to existing communication tools, teaching geography can be very interactive. Using new approaches, geography teachers can bring far-away places like the Polar Regions creatively into the classroom. Alexandra Hamilton, a student at Oxford Brookes University, is passionate about geography and education. She has recently presented her dissertation for the BSc Honours Degree in Geography and Education Studies. Her dissertation focuses on the educational program that surrounds the use…
Sustainable research - cycling for the polar regions
Scientists are constantly travelling around the world for meetings and conferences and one PhD student wanted to inspire other scientists to become more sustainable. Anna Belcher cycled 185 miles to the UK Antarctic Science Conference and prior to the start of the conference took part in education workshops using the International Polar Foundation Class Zero Emission workshop materials to highlight the impacts of carbon emissions on the fragile polar regions.
Looking back at IPF’s participation in mobilisation ahead of COP21
Many education and outreach events and activities were organised ahead of COP21 which took place from 30 November 2015 to 12 December 2015. The International Polar Foundation (IPF) participated in two very interesting initiatives in Belgium: a climate exhibition and an event on climate and water which brought together associations who had important messages they wanted to highlight before the negotiations began at COP21 and kayakers who were getting ready…
Learning from COP21 events, how can we all contribute to fighting climate change?
As EducaPoles sets out to inform young people and the educational world of the importance of the Polar Regions and climate change, the International Polar Foundation (IPF) 's Scientific Officer was keen to follow the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 21) last December in Paris and related events. In this series of articles, she shares her experience of these events, what…