Picture Galleries
All picture galleries published on this internet site are directly accessible via this section. These photos relate to the foundation's educational projects or constitute resources which are attached to or independent of the teaching tools such as CD-ROMS, teaching dossiers, exhibitions and others.
Antarctic marine biology (scientific activities)
Pictures of scientific activities related to marine biology. This gallery was done by Gauthier Chapelle aboard Polarstern.
Antarctic marine biology (flora and fauna)
Pictures of Antarctic seafloor fauna and of scientific activities related to marine biology. This gallery was done by Gauthier Chapelle aboard Polarstern.
Marine mammals from Antarctica
Pictures of marine mammals from Antarctica. This gallery was done by Gauthier Chapelle aboard Polarstern.
Emperor colony
Pictures of a colony of emperor penguins in Antarctica. This gallery was done by Gauthier Chapelle aboard Polarstern.
Sea ice and Icebergs
Discover landscapes you can come accross on the way to Antarctica by boat. This gallery was done by Gauthier Chapelle aboard Polarstern.