Contact Us
Here are the contact information of the education team of the International Polar Foundation. Don't hesitate to contact us for comments, questions, or requests to publish news or events.
International Polar Foundation
Rue des vétérinaires 42c (boite 1)
1070 Anderlecht - Belgium
tel: +32 (0)2 520 34 40
fax: +32 (0)2 520 06 63
Education Team
Sandra Vanhove
Science Education Manager
Sandra conducted marine polar ecology research at Ghent University and was involved in the management of polar biology projects for 15 years. She participated in research expeditions to the Weddell Sea and Signy Island in Antarctica. Sandra is a trained science teacher and has been managing the IPF educational program since 2007.
Liz Pasteur
Education Officer (UK)
Liz conducted glaciology research on past climates at the British Antarctic Survey, leading to a PhD. She drilled ice cores in Antarctica and also lectured on cruise ships. She has been working with the International Polar Foundation UK Office (IPF UK) since 2008.
Technical team
Jérôme Coupé
Communications & Multimedia
Pierre-Vincent Ledoux
Communications & Multimedia
Contact form
Drop us a line using the form below, whether it is to ask something or to say hello. We try to stay on top of our inbox but do not always succeed. Please allow us some time to respond.